Sunday, December 18, 2016

Mystery Clue 4 + A Little Christmas!

Instructions for clue 4 of Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, En Provence, were revealed last Friday, and we are having too much fun! This week our job is to make 80 units like these 2:

A lot of cutting and trimming going on:

And of course, a lot of pressing. I love my new Oliso iron, and how it saves on my wrist. Here's a podcast with an interview of the inventor of the Oliso iron:  Sit & Sew Radio. Start listening from minute 33. He talks about why he invented an iron that doesn't have to be propped up.

Here's an assortment of my units from clue 4:

And all my units from clues 1 through 4:

With Christmas coming up in a week, here are a few of our decorating traditions. The Christmas stocking that DD1 made for our family, when she was in 6th grade, her own design:

Our Christmas village, which has 2 churches, and more trees than buildings!

And our Christmas tree, with all the home made decorations and memories:

Grace and peace!


  1. Lovely fabrics you're using En Provence, and you've thought up a very interesting layout! I wonder ...!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. your neutrals are beautiful!

  4. Your purple blocks look great! I can pick out some fabrics that I have in my scrap box too!

  5. Your mystery units are looking lovely. I enjoyed seeing your Christmas decorations, too!

  6. Your tri recs are looking great! I love your tree. I still hang the ornaments the kids made when they were small. They are over 30 years old! Happy sewing.

  7. Wow you have lots of neutrals

  8. Love the decorations. I know I wouldn't have the patience to work on a mystery quilt .... especially if I had to make 80 of anything.

  9. You're making great progress, and I'm sure the quilt will be amazing when finished!


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