Friday, May 5, 2017

A Japanese Mini Finish

I thought it's about time I add another Japanese mini side to our stairwell quilt gallery. When I recently signed up for the newsletter from Blossom Heart Quilts, she sent a quilt pattern. She lived in Japan for several years, also. I thought I'd make it up from Japanese indigo fabrics.

She calls the block, Diamonds In the Sky quilt block. It finishes 12". 

First I had to decide if I liked arrangement A,

Or B. 

Everyone preferred B, including me, so that is how I stitched it up. 

I quilted it with matchstick quilting on my longarm. After quilting, it seemed to need a border, so I added stitch and flip borders and it went back on the longarm for more quilting. Here's the finished mini. 

And the back, with hanging stick, 3-M Command Picture Hanging Strip (hook and loop) and label.

And here it is, hanging in it's spot on the Japanese mini quilt wall!

Grace and peace!!! ~Nancy


  1. It looks great hanging on your wall with all the others Nancy! The border was the perfect addition. Great job!

  2. Beautiful block and the border is perfect. Looks great with its friends!

  3. What a great addition to your gallery Nancy!

  4. I love that wall of mini-quilts! This is s a great addition to it. How did you add a border after already quilting it? That's a pretty cool technique!

  5. What a pretty little mini! I keep seeing mini quilts on walls, so I'm trying to find a wall in my house to do that. So lovely! Wendy at

  6. What a beautiful little mini. The border is perfect for it. I love that you have a mini quilt wall to display your minis. It's a great idea.

  7. very nice collection you have, I would probably hurt myself trying to hang anything on my wall going down the steps.

  8. What a lovely finish! Did you live on the mainland? I was blessed to live on Okinawa for almost 5 years - and cried when we left. Your quilt is so pretty! I have some Japanese inspired fabrics that would look so lovely in this pattern!

    I liked "B" as well. It seemed to pop out and spread God's love! Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. Love the mini! And I really like the backing fabric. I use the corner triangle hanging method too, but use a dowel. I like the flat stick idea better. Thanks for the "peek" at the back side.


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