Wednesday, August 21, 2019

🚚 Trucks For Patty's GS 🚒

My neighbor, Patty, made another quilt for one of her grandchildren. This one is for 4-year-old Hank, and features trucks, trucks, trucks!

I recommended "African Storms" for the quilting, as it resembles tire tread marks:

Doesn't this grey gingham looks great in the alternate squares:

Patty found this bright graphic print for the backing:

Quilt Info:
Topper: Patty
Size: 60" X 76"
Quilting: African Storm
Batting: Quilter's Dream Batting 80/20 Natural
Thread: Glide Light Grey
Interesting Fact: Patty gets a lot of her quilt design ideas from Pinterest.

Two of our cute grand-dogs have been here over the past week. Here are Fozzie Bear and Lincoln!

Grace & peace!!! ~Nancy

Linking up with Wednesday Wait Loss, Midweek Makers, Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Friday Foto Fun, Peacock PartyFinished or Not Friday, From Bolt to Beauty, UFO Busting.


  1. At least the grand dogs are letting you quilt a bit! Patty's quilt is very fun, and I like your choice of quilting design.

  2. Who would have guessed from the name that the quilting motif looked like tracks? But it really does! Great choice for this cute quilt :)

  3. Hi Nancy! What a great quilt! Whenever I see one for a boy I immediately think my boy 'needs' it. I do have a truck quilt in my head for his 'big boy' bed. Your grand-pups are so cute. They look like they were big helpers for you during the week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. So awesome, it does kinda look like tire tread. Thank you for linking up today. Its always a pleasure to look at what ever you have going on.

  5. You always pick out the right quilting design to go with the quilt! Super cute quilt by Patty. I love the gingham!
    The dogs are adorable. Glad they were able to keep you company!
    Quilter Bonnie

  6. Looks lovely! That's a neat quilting pattern - kind of perfect!

  7. How sweet are the dogs. This quilt is lovely; perfect for a little boy. The backing fabric is such fun and the quilting design is fabulous.

  8. Great quilt, my grandson would love this!

  9. What a fun quilt!! and the quilting is perfect for it!!! Hi doggies!!!

  10. Patti’s truck quilt is darling, and your quilting DOES look like tread marks! Love seeing your grand puppies, too — Fozzie Bear is the perfect name for him!

  11. Cute cute cute!! You choose the perfect quilting design too!

  12. The quilting on this is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Such a fun truck quilt! And you are right, that quilting does look like tire tracks--great choice!

  14. Too cute! Love the quilting design too.

  15. Awww - your grand-dogs *are* really cute, and I love their names. :) That quilting is absolutly perfect for the trucks quilt!

  16. Super cute "tire tread" quilting, Nancy!!

  17. Wonderful quilt for a little boy! Love it!

  18. Awesome quilt, and your quilting choice is perfection! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  19. That is such a great quilt for a little boy, and your quilting complements it beautifully. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

  20. Fast and Fun. Hank is one lucky boy. Love the backing fabric and your quilting could not be more appropriate!!!


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