Sunday, April 28, 2019

⧓ A Formal Affair ⧓

Looking for a fun layer cake pattern?! Here's one:
Patti of Creek Side Stitches was demoing this quilt pattern, "A Formal Affair", at the Red Wing, MN, quilt show in February. She has a number of books and patterns that mainly use pre-cuts--layer cakes, charm squares, candy squares and jelly rolls.

I started out by making "accordion sewn half-square triangles", the Eva Paige Quilts method. This is an easy way to make HSTs so that each one is different, no pairs. Watch the three videos explaining this technique, starting here: Accordian Sewn Scrappy HSTs, Part 1.

My blue and white HSTs before I sewed them into a loop and cut them apart:

Arranging and rearranging the blocks on my design wall:

The "stained glass look" before quilting:
Quilt info:
Maker: Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Pattern: A Formal Affair by Creek Side Stitches
Size: 52" X 69"
Quilting: Stacked Snailz
Thread: Glide--cream
Batting: Quilters Dream Batting 80/20
Backing: Duvet cover from IKEA
Interesting fact: This quilt will go to a camp for foster teens.
Grace and peace!!! ~Nancy


  1. I live the colors and block design in this quilt. Beautiful job!

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  2. This pattern is really unique! I really like it and the fabrics. The quilt will be loved!
    Quilter Bonnie

  3. Great use of color! Thanks for linking up to What I Made Monday.

  4. A really pretty quilt. I'll have to check out those videos since I have not heard of this method. I do have several of Patty's patterns, mainly table runner ones.

  5. This is a great pattern for the precuts. Your quilting finishes it off so nicely. Beautiful finish!

  6. I'm going to go watch the video, since I recall hearing about this method but can't remember how it's done. What a fun quilt, Nancy, and so nice that it's being donated. Wish we would've had more time to visit on Saturday, but thanks so much for coming!

  7. I love this quilt and love that you used the accordion method! It is so much fun isn't it? It is really wonderful that a teen will get to enjoy this beauty. Congrats on another lovely finish.

  8. Very cool pattern! And it works so well with the layer cake you chose. Fun!! Congrats on the finish :)

  9. Pretty quilt, and I love the quilting design you chose. Red Wing, MN, huh? I have a cousin who lives there -- was just looking at their daughter's prom pics online, with all the girls on the softball team out on the ball field in their gowns. :-)

  10. A lovely result. Great colours and design. The combination has worked well.

  11. Beautiful quilt! Lovely pattern and great fabrics to make a teen happy :)

    Will take a closer look at the HST method, have never heard that before and always curious. Thanks for the link.

  12. Love the block, love the backing, absolutely love the quilting pattern! Now I'll go investigate your HST method. Thanks for the link!

  13. What a beautiful quilt... using my favorite, a layer cake! The kids at camp will be super lucky to get this beauty!

  14. That is quite an interesting way to make scrappy HSTs!

  15. Love this quilt.... would be a great scrap buster as well. Thanks for the link to the accordion HSTs - always great to find and try new methods.

  16. Beautiful quilt! Love the fabrics you chose for it, and the quilting pattern! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  17. Your use of the accordion-sewn HSTs blew me away! I'm not familiar with that technique (although its creator lives in the town next to me!). Thanks for the heads-up, and congratulations on a beautiful finish!


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