Sunday, June 2, 2024

Scrap Quilts & Projects

I discovered a box full of scraps that I had totally forgotten about since we moved into our current home 9 years ago!!! My original thought was to cut all these scraps up into 10" squares, 5" strips, 5" squares, 2 1/2" strips or 2 1/2" squares, in that order, as I usually do with scraps.
Then I ran across this video ⤵️ and changed my mind! I decided to try Tracy's method from The Sewing Channel and make a scrap quilt out of them!!!
Quilt Info #1:
Size: 61" x 80"
Batting: Quilters Dream "frankenbatting"
Thread: Glide--Tar Heel
Pantograph: Diamond Dance ⤵️ from The Quilting Mill
I tried out this quilting pattern in prep for another quilt coming to my longarm studio soon!⤵️ It's a neat open, modern quilting design!!!
Interesting Info: Working with these fabrics was like visiting with an old friend! I remember where I bought many of them and/or what quilt I used them in! If you're a quilter, you know!!!
I recently watched a video where a quilter described a "scrap quilt" as, "not random, not mayhem, but a collection of 12-15 fabrics that have a certain feel, color story and vibe." Okay, I think this quilt qualifies as "mayhem"!!! I used whatever came out of that box, although I tried to color coordinate within the blocks!
I pieced together a back for this scrappy quilt from leftover scraps of other quilt backs.⤵️
Finishing at 61" x 80" makes this quilt a good size for a charity. I hope whoever gets it looks past the "mayhem", and enjoys the beauty of the many fabrics!
Quilt Info #2 & #3:
Pattern: Bricks
Size: 38" x 48"
Batting: Quilters Dream 80/20
Thread: Glide--Pink & Graphite (Blue)
Pantograph: Flower Power's Cousin ⤵️ from My Creative Stitches
My typical method of acquiring new pantographs is, I see a quilt on Instagram, on a blog or in a newsletter that's quilted in a way that I love, and I look into that pantograph, maybe buying it. I first saw this one on the new Teddy Bear Paw Quilt Pattern from Holly Clark Design--the second photo in. Adorbs!!!
Interesting Info: There was a stack of pastel plaid strips ⤵️ in the above mentioned scrap box. I measured the smallest scrap and figured out the largest brick shape I could cut from it, and cut them all that size--4 1/2" x 8".
Being pastels, I decided to make these into 2 baby quilts, one with a pink backing and one with a blue backing.⤵️
I love how this pantograph looks on these two quilts! They're in the "to gift" stack now.
These name tags (two photos down ⤵️) did not come out of the above mentioned scrap box! But they are from the scrap heap--namely the selvage scrap heap! My quilt friend, Lynn, has made 120 charity quilt tops so far this year! She saves all the selvages for me--cut at 1" wide. I crochet them into rugs--see rug instructions here. I just finished rug #7!!!⤵️
I noticed on Instagram earlier this year that a lot of quilters were making selvage name tags to wear at Quilt Con. With that big heap of selvages, I decided to make one for myself and my closest quilt friends, even though we didn't go to Quilt Con! Halfsquarehannah, who started this craze, made an instruction reel on Instagram, here: halfsquarehannah.
I ran across another scrap activity on Linda's blog @ FlorishingPalms--fabric twine! This is a handy activity for skinny strips--I used 1" strips, and a great project for car rides! You can read more about it on Linda's blog. Start with two strips, and, basically: twist right, cross left. A great scrap project!!! I'll use my fabric twine for tying up packages, and just for decoration!!!
This is how I used up some of my scraps! They didn't all get used up, but what was left got passed along to my charity quilter friend, Lynn, who uses them as accent strips. Here's an example of a quilt top she made, with scrappy accent strips, for Lutheran World Relief:
Got some scraps? Try any one of these projects!!! Or all of them! Recommended!!!

Grace and peace!!! ~Nancy


  1. This were a lot of scrappy quilts but all lovely. The teddy bear paw quilting design is very pretty. Have a good week, happy stitching!

  2. Got 'some' scraps, hehehe are you kidding me!!! I love what you did with your scraps in your forgotten box. And you even used some batting scraps, I have some of those too that need to be used more often.

  3. Nice scrap quilts, including Mayhem! So much more interesting with almost-random pieces. Great ideas here, thank you!

  4. Fun ideas for scraps!! Thank you!! Your projects look great!

  5. Thank you for sharing some of your tips to beautifully use some scraps! Your forgotten box is a treasure trunk ;) I love all these projects, and how to test your new panto too! Flower Power's Cousin is very pretty (and the name is fun!)

  6. Loved this scrappy post! The scrap quilts are all so pretty, especially love the brick ones with that wonderful quilting. I'm excited about trying the twine idea, I have 3 drawers of strings to use for a string quilt, so I have plenty to practice with!

  7. I enjoyed reading about your scrappy projects! The quilting pattern you used on the pastel baby quilts is adorable! Scrap quilts contain so much sparkle and life. Thanks for sharing some of the ways you use your scraps!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  8. Nancy you really worked through some scraps. So many great quilts for donations, they will be enjoyed. I'm like that twine, will have to adapt my scrap keeping and get some strings saved.

  9. What a fun bunch of scrappy projects, Nancy! I love that first quilt - all those happy scraps played so well together! The nametags are cute, too. You've been busy!

  10. I love your quilts. So scrappy and beautiful. I also love the Diamond Dance quilting pattern.
    Flower Power is great too. You showed that scrap box who is boss. Congrats! ;^)

  11. What a fun read, Nancy! I love your 'Mayhem' quilt, and all of this scrappy goodness is quite inspiring!

  12. Oh my! Each and every one of your scrap projects is a winner! And I love those new quilting designs. I've never seen those name tags made with selvages but may have to try that out.

  13. Thanks for all the links to your scrappy inspiration. I'll definitely take a look at them. I try to use my scraps (and I do succeed sometimes) but it is a never ending battle. I like the name tags made with selvedges. What a cute idea.

  14. What fun ideas for scraps!

  15. What wonderful projects! I love that panto!!! And neat name tags, must look into that video.

  16. Great ideas for the scraps. It seems like every time I use scraps, the amount in the bin doesn't shrink... it expands. I swear they are like rabbits! Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  17. Beautiful scrappy quilts, and I love the name tag idea, I'm off to check out that original tutorial now, thank you :-)

  18. What lovely scrap ideas! That fabric twine has me interested along with the selvage name tags. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  19. Oh, WOW! What a great post, Nancy -- so many ideas! The Mayhem quilt has a lot of blues to pull the blocks together. The plaid bricks are so tidy--lovely panto quilting pattern. And the ideas for selvedges! (I have bags of them, BTW, and I don't crochet so if you need more let me know.)

  20. What a contrast between the "Mayhem" quilt and the two brick baby quilts ;) And while I think it is a cool name, it is not what I think when seeing the quilt. You did a good job to color coordinate and still have it look fun, improv and random - with that small portion of scaled down included. I am sure it will be loved. xo


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